Elise Ureneck is much more than a hired consultant for us. A sharp writer and strategic thinker with a deep understanding of the global Catholic Church and cultural issues, Elise has become an essential partner in our evangelical communications mission here in Los Angeles.
— David Scott, Vice Chancellor for Communications, Archdiocese of LA

Client Testimonials


Elise worked with us as managing editor of our biannual magazine. A trusted professional, her attention to detail, communication and editing skills, and overall production management were always executed at the highest level and always on time. As a consultant, she provides the same level of professionalism and support for our work.

— Karen Kiefer, Director, The Church in the 21st Century Center, Boston College

There is no one who “gets” Catholic media like Elise Ureneck. Her editorial instincts, high standards for quality, intellectual gifts, and love for the Church have made her an invaluable partner in helping to shape, source, and produce content for our biweekly newsmagazine and website.

— Pablo Kay, Editor-in-Chief, Angelus News